End of hire checklist

End of hire checklist
Please make sure you check the following before you leave.

All chairs, tables and other furniture moved during a hiring have been cleaned and returned to their storage positions.
(Please avoid dragging furniture across the floor as this damages the floor).

All bins to be emptied and replaced with a clean rubbish sack. Rubbish to be separated into general waste and recyclables.

General waste should be placed in black bags provided by you, in the bins outside the hall as stated under the heading “Rubbish and Recycling”.

Recyclables and all glass must be removed from the hall.

If radiators have been turned down, they should be switched back to a middle position on before vacating the hall.

The hall floor should be cleaned with a broom (to be found to the left hand side of the stage). Any sticky residue should be mopped with a well rung mop using hot water. A vacuum cleaner and dustpan and brush are provided so that carpeted areas can be cleaned.

Kitchen work-surfaces, cooker and sink should be wiped down and left clean and tidy.

Please place used tea towels in box under sink.

All kitchen electrical equipment should be turned off, according to the instructions and left in a clean condition.

The fridge must be emptied, cleaned and left closed and on.

All crockery etc. to be washed and re-stacked.

All windows and fire doors (including downstairs) should be secured before vacating premises.

Please ensure that all lighting has been turned off.

Clean and flush all toilets before leaving.

Please report any damage or breakages to the Bookings Manager.

Please notify the Bookings Manager if the First Aid box has been used and email us with details of any accidents/incidents for our records.

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